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De gusto in Salon at Mile 0 - Fish Very Good

Trieste/Trst (Trieste): 21 Jul 2023, h: 11:00 - 23 Jul 2023, h: 23:00

For the first year De gusto will be present at "Salon Mile 0 - Fish Very Good", the event organized by Aries Venezia Giulia to promote the local catch. A rich program of showcooking, fishing outings, tastings directly from fishermen. 

On Ponte Rosso Square in Trieste, the A.P.I. ASSOCIAZIONE PISCICOLTORI ITALIANI - Powered by De Gusto - will present fish products from Friultrota & Valle del Lovo


Tasting of "Zattere" based on: San Daniele Trout, Smoked Sea Bass and Fresh Cheeses from the region, accompanied by excellent Prosecco wine from Collio Goriziano and excellent Regional Craft Beer"Download our menu"

  • to taste:

- Smoked Trout "Regina di San Daniele" - Az. Friultrota of San Daniele del Friuli - UD
- Trout fillets with citrus fruits - Az. Friultrota of San Daniele del Friuli - UD
- Trout eggs - Az. Friultrota of San Daniele del Friuli - UD
- Trout Cheeks - Az. Friultrota of San Danile del Friuli - UD
- Ricotta and Goat Stracchino Cheese - Az. Fattoria Vecchio Cortile of Santa Maria La Longa - UD
- Smoked sea bass - Az. Valle del Lovo of Carlino - UD
- Sea fennel - Az. Lagunando of Grado - GO

- Zattere (Bread) - Pastry Shop F.lli Tamburin of Monfalcone - GO

  • to drink:

- Sparkling white wine - Pinot grigio "Loria" - Az. Cruna di Subida of Cormòns - GO 
- Prosecco rosé - Glera "Visio" - Az. Cruna di Subida of Cormòns - GO 
- Still white wine - Ribolla gialla "Alfeo" - Az. Cruna di Subida of Cormòns - GO 

- Lager Blonde Beer - Az. Dimont di Arta Terme - UD

- 100% fruit apple juice - Az. La Ferula of Staranzano - GO
- Natural and sparkling water - Dolomia of Cimolais - PN

During the days of July 20, 21, 22 and 23, it is also possible to attend a series of showcooking sessions in Trieste's Ponte Rosso Square, where chef Nevio Lupi, will present recipes based on local fish. The tastings will be accompanied by a selection of regional wines.

  • Thursday, July 20:

Refreshments for guests at the Opening Conference of the event "Salon at Mile 0 - Fish Very Good," with products offered in the little houses accompanied by the following wines:
- Sauvignon Collio Goriziano - Farm Villa Russiz
- Ribolla gialla Charmat Brut method - Farm Villa Russiz
- Vitovska Doc Carso - Farm Zidarich

6-7 p.m. Show cooking:
Red and blue with blue crab
Wine tasting: Prosecco Rosè sparkling wine Charmat method - Farm Tacoli Asquini dal 1836

7-8 p.m. Show cooking:
Mackerel and Karst
Wine tasting: Friulano Doc Friuli Grave - Farm Tacoli Asquini dal 1836

  • Friday, July 21: 

11 a.m.-12 p.m. Show cooking:
Gazpacho and mussels
Wine tasting: Vitovska Doc Carso - Farm Castelvecchio

12 p.m.-1 p.m. Show cooking:
Risotto with mantis shrimp, mole mousse, squash blossoms, sparkling wine, saffron and kren
Wine tasting: Vitovska Doc Carso - Farm Castelvecchio 

6-7 p.m. Show cooking:
The citrusy gulf with suri and mullet
Wine tasting: "Joy" Pinot grigio Collio goriziano - Farm Castello di Spessa

  • Saturday, July 22:

11 a.m.-12 p.m. Show cooking:
Sea bass duet
Wine tasting: "Loria" Pinto grigio Cuvee Blanc sparkling Charmat Brut method - Farm Cruna di Subida 

12 p.m-1 p.m. Show cooking:
Apricot trout
Wine tasting: "Loria" Pinot grigio Cuvee Blanc sparkling Charmat Brut method - Farm Cruna di Subida

6-7 p.m. Show cooking:
Gnocchetti with cuttlefish and Artiolex Alino
Wine tasting: Friulano Doc Friuli Isonzo - Farm I Feudi di Romans 

7-8 p.m. Show cooking:
Salmon rolls from Val Rosandra and zucchini
Wine tasting: Friulano Doc Friuli Isonzo - Farm I Feudi di Romans

  • Sunday, July 23: 

11 a.m.-12 p.m. Show cooking:
Ratatouille with bivalve sauce with fasolari
Wine tasting: Malvasia Igt Venezia Giulia - Farm La Ferula 

12 p.m.-1 p.m. Show cooking:
Spatzle with sardines and sea asparagus
Wine tasting: Malvasia Igt Venezia Giulia - Farm Ferula 

6-7 p.m. Show cooking:
Mollusks (clams) and vegetable garden
Wine tasting: Malvasia Doc Friuli Isonzo - Farm Borgo Trevisan 

7-8 p.m. Show cooking:
Greenhouse fish, salicornia, anchovy roulade and eggplant
Wine tasting: Malvasia Doc Friuli Isonzo - Farm Borgo Trevisan


Location Piazza del Ponterosso 34132 Trieste/Trst (Trieste) See the map
Piazza del Ponterosso 34132 Trieste/Trst (Trieste)
PIAZZA PONTE ROSSO - Trieste The Red Bridge, halfway across the canal, was built of wood in 1756, as soon as the construction of the canal was completed. It was then the only existing bridge, as the other bridges were built at a later date. It was remade by widening it about ten years later and redone again, this time in iron, in 1832. On the Red Bridge is a statue of Irish writer James Joyce, commemorating his stay in the city. At the four ends of the bridge are placed on the parapets four lanterns that previously adorned the statue of Trieste's dedication to Austria that once stood in Piazza Libertà, in front of the railway station. The statue was unveiled in 1889 and removed in 1919. Source: wikipedia
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