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Pink and blue pearl

Monfalcone (Gorizia): 31 Aug 2023, h: 20:00 - 31 Aug 2023, h: 23:00

From the collaboration between De gusto and Gio & co. drink and food, the "Pink and Blue Pearl" sandwich is born.  An evening of tasting at Km 0, with products and food companies from the regional territory.

"Crispy bread picks up the delicate taste of Trout with citrus from San Daniele del Friuli, laid on a bed of goat Stracchino cheese, drizzled with a Vinegar and Santonego glaze. A slight Blueberry cream flavor and a few tufts of Sea Fennel complete this gourmet sandwich. Accompanied by a Apple Gala cut into jiulienne  salad with Blue crabmeat. The delicate taste of the dish is paired with an excellent craft beer Lager Bionda di Arta Terme."

This will be followed by a dip in an all-Friuli Gin Tonic.

The evening will be laced with music.

Tasting starts at 8.00 p.m.

Sandwich, side dish with blue crab, cl.33 beer, 1/2 l. friz./nat. water. , one GinTonic.

Cost per person Euro 30,00

SOLD OUT - Info: +39.335.815.5555

Companies and products chosen by De gusto:

  • The Dish....

- Bread - Bosio backery - Staranzano (Go);
- Trout with citrus fruits - farm Friultrota - San Daniele del Friuli (Ud);
- Goat Stracchino cheese - Farm Fattoria Vecchio Cortile - Santa Maria la Longa (Ud);
- Finocchio di Mare - Farm Lagunando - Gardo (Go);
- Santonego liqueur - Farm Lagunando - Grado (Go);
- Vinegar - Vinegar factory Sirk della Subida - Cormòns (Go);
- Blueberry cream - Alfrut s.r.l. - San Pietro al Natisone (Ud);
- Apple Gala - Farm La Ferula - Staranzano (Go);
- Blue Crab - Fish market - Marano Lagunare (Ud);

  • Drinking...

- Blonde Lager beer - Company Dimont S.r.l. - Arta Terme (Ud);
- Sparkly and natural water - Dolomia S.p.a. - Cimolais (Ud);

- Gin - Maxi Milian - Feletto Umberto (Ud);
- Acqua Tonica (Indian) - Max Milian - Feletto Umberto (Ud).


Enjoy your meal....!!!

Location Corso del Popolo, 62 34074 Monfalcone (Gorizia) See the map
Corso del Popolo, 62 34074 Monfalcone (Gorizia)
Monfalcone, in addition to being an important industrial hub, also presents unseen historical faces, as in the case of the Fortress, a fortification of medieval origins and symbol of the city. Inside is the Paleontological Museum, with exhibits illustrating geological history from 500 million years ago. On the other hand, on a site of ancient cultic practices stands the Marcelliana Church, which has been remodeled several times over the centuries. Near Monfalcone is the Great War Theme Park, where one can immerse oneself in the period between 1915 and 1918 and walk among trenches and trenches. In the city center at the restored building of the old covered market is home to the Municipal Gallery of Contemporary Art, which since 2004 has become part of AMACI - Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums, and is one of the largest exhibition spaces dedicated to contemporary art in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Source: Turismofvg - Municipality Monfalcone
Points of interest
Sandwich bar/Pub

Gio & Co. drink and food

e-Shop products available for tasting

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