The treasure of every land is the history of its products
Natural mineral water is water that originates from an underground water table or deposit, comes from one or more perforated natural springs and has special hygienic characteristics and possibly health-promoting properties. (Source: wikipedia).
Natural and spring mineral waters intended for human consumption are bottled at the source in their natural state to maintain their chemical and physical characteristics.
The matter is governed by the following legislation:
- Royal Decree No. 1443 of 29 July 1927 (Norme di carattere legislativo per disciplinare la ricerca e la coltivazione delle miniere nel regno)
- Presidential Decree No 382 of 18 April 1994 (Disciplina dei procedimenti di conferimento dei permessi di ricerca e di concessioni di coltivazione di giacimenti minerari di interesse nazionale e di interesse locale).
(Source: Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia).
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