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Pan-fried fillet of sea bass with Pelinkovac reduction

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Monfalcone (Gorizia): 31 May 2024, h: 19:00 - 31 May 2024, h: 20:00 - Free event


‘De gusto in show’, entitled ‘Pan-cooked fillet of sea bass with Pelinkovac reduction’.
Show cooking with regional fish products, by Chef Nevio Lupi, in collaboration with the Venice-Giulia Chamber of Commerce and KNEZ SPIRITS who will provide the Pelinkovac
At the end of the show, free tasting.

Reservation compulsory max. 32 seats - for info: 0481-095487

Introducing Chef... “Born in Trieste, he worked for 20 years in some renown French restaurants and then returned to Trieste. He has been teaching at regional hotel schools for 10 years and as a freelance Chef has catered in various countries around the world. Since 2022 he has been collaborating with De gusto” 

Location Porticciolo Nazario Sauro 34074 Monfalcone (Gorizia) See the map
Porticciolo Nazario Sauro 34074 Monfalcone (Gorizia)
Northernmost point of the Mediterranean - New Marina Nazario Sauro - Canal Velentinis
Points of interest
Product tasting
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