The treasure of every land is the history of its products

Food well being

De gusto and well-being - Spring 'DETOX'

Spring has arrived and many people find themselves struggling with a sense of tiredness, heaviness and physical and mental sluggishness. To better cope with the season, it is useful to follow a few days of purification from the toxins and extra kilos accumulated during the cold season. To start this beneficial process, you can follow a 3- or 7-day diet based on detox foods, with the aim of promoting purification and the elimination of excess toxins. Toxins are waste products that accumulate in the body due to an unhealthy diet, drug consumption, stress, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol and smog. They[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Healthy snacks

Snacking represents a moment of pause and relaxation, useful for regaining some energy, especially after an intense study or work activity. Many people do not give snacks the importance they deserve, but in reality they are a fundamental part of a balanced diet as they help keep blood sugar levels more constant, avoiding long periods of fasting. They also make it possible to maintain adequate energy levels during the day and avoid overindulging in meals. Two snacks per day are ideal: as a general rule, snacks should be taken mid-morning and/or mid-afternoon; it is important that they are not too close to the[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Cauliflower a food with excellent nutritional characteristics

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) is a cultivated species of cabbage of which the inflorescence is mostly used for food purposes. It is a member of the Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae) family like other crops commonly used along the fall/winter period in our latitudes: broccoli cabbage, the Romanesco cabbage, wasabi, arugula, and many others. These plants have the common characteristic of containing a good amount of minerals such as sulfur (which is often the cause of the pungent odor when cooked), calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, selenium, and magnesium, they are also (particularly when taken raw or with very fast cooking) very rich in[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - How can we take care of our skin through nutrition?

Our skin is composed of three layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis so the disorders found may relate to deeper or shallower levels. The skin mirrors the health status of the internal organs and in particular the intestines, liver, and kidneys; the skin communicates with the outside world and protects us, it also has the task of expelling toxic substances from inside our body to the outside and steam for thermoregulation. When the skin thins, we have disorders such as eczema, chapped or dehydrated skin, these signs tell us that the organ we need to go to help is the kidneys, that[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - The Snowshoe walk

Given last week's recent and long-awaited snowfall, let's talk about a winter sport activity that has been attracting more and more enthusiasts in recent years: snowshoeing. Snowshoes or snowshoes are a tool consisting of an aluminum or plastic frame with a wide, rounded shape; they are attached to mountain boots and, due to their shape, increase the surface area walked on and thus buoyancy, thus allowing us to walk safely even in conditions where normal footwear would cause us to sink into the snow. As in Nordic walking, two rather long poles are also used, which allow for strength uphill and also[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - INULIN: nourishment for our intestinal microbiota

Hundreds of bacterial species coexist in the gut, forming the intestinal MICROBIOTA. They characterise each individual like a fingerprint and are essential for performing functions such as digestion, vitamin synthesis and protection from pathogens. Stress, travel, smoking, infections, changes in eating habits and the use of drugs can alter the composition of our microbiota. A microbiota that is out of balance, in DISBIOSIS, can condition the onset or aggravation of more or less serious disorders and diseases including: chronic inflammatory bowel disease, irritable colon, coeliac disease, chronic gastritis, etc., up to colon cancer. How can we preserve our microbiota? First of all, we must[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - What to eat for breakfast

The term "breakfast" refers to the first meal of the morning, i.e. the meal following the night fast. By many, it is actually not even considered a real meal: some people get up at the last minute, drink a quick coffee and leave the house without eating anything. The importance of a good breakfast is determined by the fact that it has the task of providing us with the energy to start our daily activities moreover, it seems to be correlated with better metabolic parameters, in particular those related to cardiovascular risk, and greater glucose tolerance, for these reasons it needs to be[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - The countless properties of Celeriac

Celeriac (Scientific name: Apium Graveolens) is a vegetable belonging to the Umbelliferae or Apiaceae family; vegetables such as carrot, celery, fennel and dill belong to this group. It a vegetable that in our latitudes is planted in spring and harvested between autumn and winter. In the culinary sphere, the root is mainly used of this plant: it has a typical round, knobby shape, brown in color, with a very fragrant white paste inside. The benefits in nutrition are many. First of all, it is very rich in water, almost 90 percent; in addition, 100 gr of the root provides about 50 percent[Segue]

De gusto and well-being – We know our experts

As of today, 2 February 2024, the “De gusto and well-being” column by the "Centro Nutrizione funzionale Evoluta e Trainergia" in Udine will start. A collaboration that was created with the aim of giving our readers easy-to-implement practical advice aimed at personal well-being. The Evoluta Functional Nutrition Centre is a centre created by Dr Giusto Cristina, a nutritionist biologist and expert in sports nutrition and functional medicine. Trainergia, founded by Gioia Girardi, a doctor in Motor Sciences, is a training studio that focuses on the individual and his or her aptitudes, and deals mainly with athletic preparation, personal training and functional recovery. "We collaborate because[Segue]