The treasure of every land is the history of its products

Food well being

De gusto e benessere - Meal Prep

Meal Prep, short for meal preparation, is a very useful practice that allows you to prepare meals in advance throughout the week. People often struggle to find the time to cook meals during hectic days, but this is a very useful way to organise meals in a balanced, time-saving way. Meal Prep has several other advantages: helps reduce waste: by knowing exactly what you have to eat, you will not buy at random, but what you need and in the right quantities according to what you have decided allows you to vary your diet by choosing seasonal products more consciously, and by planning your[Segue]

De gusto e benessere - Oranges - Rich fennel and orange salad

Among the winter fruits of the Mediterranean tradition, we cannot forget oranges. Succulent, sweet, versatile, many qualities that have made them the queens of the table, and often of the main after-meals, of Italian tables. The orange tree, or Citrus sinensis, is a member of the Rutacea family, a family of plants that mainly originate from what is now China and spread thanks to merchants and their ability to proliferate in the Mediterranean climate, even in our country. The genus Citrus (to which oranges belong) has the characteristic of producing a fruit in the form of a berry with regular segments, with[Segue]

De gusto e benessere - Eating late at night: what effects can it bring?

The daily routine of our times, divided between work, commuting in traffic and family commitments, all too often leads to eating dinner very late. However, eating after 11pm can have significant effects on health. Several studies, including one published in Nutrition & Diabetes, show that dinner time can affect not only body weight, but also the risk of developing diabetes and other chronic diseases. Eating late in the evening can affect blood sugar levels. In fact, eating late in the evening, when melatonin levels are high, alters blood sugar control, especially in people who have a genetic variant linked to a high[Segue]

De gusto e benessere - Depressed intestine and nutrition: how to improve intestinal well-being!

Lazy bowel, or constipation, is a common problem that affects many people, characterised by a difficulty or slowness in intestinal transit. This condition can be caused by various factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor fibre intake, dehydration, stress or taking certain medications. Fortunately, a balanced diet and some lifestyle modifications can make a difference in improving the functioning of the intestine. The main symptoms include: difficulty evacuating or infrequent evacuations (less than three times a week), hard or dry stools, feeling of incomplete evacuation, bloating or abdominal discomfort. An adequate diet is essential to stimulate intestinal activity. Here are the basic principles[Segue]

De gusto e benessere - Getting back in shape after the holidays

The return to routine after the Christmas festivities can be a cause of stress; during the holiday period, in fact, one allows oneself proper rest along with a more ‘permissive’ diet and some excesses at the table. Larger portions and a few deviations from the rule are perfectly normal, except that approaching food in the first days of the New Year with a particularly strict and restrictive attitude (e.g. skipping meals) can prove not only unhelpful but even counterproductive. Eating regularly will in fact help you maintain stable energy levels and prevent cravings for unhealthy foods.  Returning to a balanced diet without following[Segue]

De gusto e benessere - Lentils - Lentil Ragout

LENTILS (green or red) - RAGU' DI LENTILS Lentils as if it were raining coins! A traditional, classic, New Year's Eve superstition, the lentil acquires the symbol of a good omen for the year to come. Often, this plant, which belongs to the Fabaceae or Leguminosae family, is prepared on this occasion and then re-proposed 365 days later at the same event, forgetting the many organic qualities of this product of our tradition.  What do we risk losing by forgetting them in the larder for a year? About 100 calories per 100g of boiled product (equivalent to about 30g of dry product), 8g of[Segue]

De gusto and wellness- Chocolate, properties and benefits

Too often demonised, chocolate is actually an ally of longevity and health. The cacao tree (from whose seeds chocolate is derived), was already cultivated by the Maya in 1000 BC, but chocolate first appeared with the Aztecs, who used it mainly as a drink during religious ceremonies. The cocoa-based drink was called ‘xocoatl’ and was often flavoured with vanilla, pepper or chilli and could also involve the use of maize flour and honey. It was not until the 16th century that cocoa arrived in Europe and reached Italy in the following century. In the 19th century, however, the first chocolate bar was[Segue]

De gusto and well-being - Carbs at dinner, are they bad for you?

Carbohydrates, also known as carbohydrates (from the Greek ‘glucos’ = sweet) are substances made up of carbon and water and are mainly contained in foods of plant origin. The food group that contains them in the greatest quantity is cereals. Carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy for the body as they provide the glucose that is indispensable for the most important life functions. Three main categories of carbohydrates can be recognised in food: sugars, which are simple carbohydrates found naturally in fruit, vegetables, milk and dairy products. The most common sugars are fruit sugar (fructose), table sugar (sucrose) and milk sugar[Segue]

Taste and well-being - does nutrition improve sleep or the reverse?

Sleep is a very important function in our lives: suffice it to say that man spends about 1/3 of his existence sleeping. It is not only a time when we rest, but also a phase in which many important functions take place, including physiological and brain functions. For this reason, respecting the right amount of sleeping hours and ensuring that this sleep is of good quality is extremely important to preserve one's health, both physical and mental. A healthy adult should sleep no less than 6 continuous hours per night, while for children the hours can be as much as 12-14, depending[Segue]

Taste and Wellbeing - The benefits of winter sports

Winter sports are an opportunity to enjoy the snow and the mountain landscape, which offer a range of physical, psychological and social benefits that require activities particularly suited to improving general well-being. From alpine skiing to ice skating, snowboarding and snowshoeing, winter sports are an opportunity to keep fit during the colder months, while having fun and experiencing a unique connection with nature and our land. Friuli Venezia Giulia, with its Friulian Alps and Dolomites, offers some of the best skiing and mountain destinations for families and more... there is no shortage of opportunities for the most extreme descents for skiers in[Segue]