The treasure of every land is the history of its products

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Difficulty: Hard Doses: For 4 people

For the pastry: 

250g of flour, 

About ½ glass of warm water, 

200g butter at room temperature, 

fine salt. 


For the stuffing: 

120g shelled walnuts, 

40g of almonds, 

110g of sugar, 

80g of sultanas, 

40g of pine nuts, 

20g of candied fruit, 

50g of crumbled biscuits, 

lukewarm water as required, 

1 pinch of grated lemon and orange peel, 

½ cup of rum.  


For the browning: 

2 egg yolks. 


Presnitz is one of the cornerstones of the Trieste culinary tradition; the recipes are numerous, with imperceptible but significant variations. It is often associated with the Gubana of the Cividale area, but the dough (a sort of sweet soft sausage) is not rolled together with the pastry, which is made up of a very thin sheet. 

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Pasta, bread and pastry products


Pasta, bread and pastry products

Pinza triestina

Pasta, bread and pastry products


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