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Boreto alla Bruno

Recipe by Bruno Mantovani
Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Difficulty: Medium Doses:

400 gr. of turbot,

400 gr. of monkfish

800 gr. volpina (mullet) in slices,

3 cloves of Resia Garlic,

6 tablespoons of Tergeste oil,

½ glass of white wine vinegar (Osiet),

Tomato Concentrate

½ fish stock cube,

salt and pepper,

yellow polenta to taste.


Boreto alla Bruno is the revival of the traditional recipe of "Boreto ala graisana". Bruno Mantovani, a well-known restaurant owner from Monfalcone and the first Sommelier of Italy in 1972, presented in his restaurant this excellent recipe which became part of the historical list of "Riistoranti del buon ricordo".

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